Advice from B3 Champions

What is a Bobcats Bounce Back (B3) Champion?

At Texas State University, we believe that every Bobcat has the potential to bounce back from academic adversity, and that's what makes a B3 Champion. A B3 Champion isn’t defined by perfection or a flawless academic record but by their commitment to growth, their dedication to their goals, and their thoughtful approach to challenges.

Here, you’ll find insights and inspiration from fellow Bobcats who’ve walked this path—students who’ve faced setbacks and emerged stronger. They’ll share their personal tips for success and the resources they found most helpful along the way.

But remember, bouncing back isn’t just about individual determination; it’s also about the power of community. B3 Champions understand that seeking help, leaning on others, and connecting with resources are essential parts of the journey. We hope their stories inspire you to keep going and remind you that you’re never alone on this path.

Explore the stories, soak in the advice, and see yourself as the next B3 Champion—because if you’re doing the work, you already are one!

Spotlight on Samuel Oatis: A Spring 2024 B3 Champion

A photo of Samuel Oatis in a nice suit.

Spotlight on Ryan Finke: A Fall 2023 B3 Champion

A portrait photo of Ryan Finke, a Fall 2023 B3 Champion

Read some tips and recommendations from other B3 Champions below!

"What tip(s) would you give to a student working to bounce back from academic adversity this semester?"

image reads: "make time to organize your schoolwork and have a good school/work balance. - Montserrat, 2024"
image reads: "find a small group of people all working towards the same goal. - Catherine, spring 2024"
image reads: "I would encourage students to get more organized and use a planner or even your Calendar app to stay on top of due dates. Another useful tip is to check Canvas and your bobcat mail every day. Doing so will allow you to see your current and upcoming assignments while also seeing any updates or important emails from your instructor. Lastly, I would advise all students to never procrastinate. It's better to start early than to fall behind and miss important due dates. - Samuel, spring 2024"
image reads: "Find new ways of studying. I have went through so many ways of studying this semester. I am a very slow learner, so being able to work on my own pace and being able to go back and learn the materials helps a lot. - Kadiatou, spring 2024"
image reads: "Make time for yourself, don't panic. - Christopher, spring 2024"
image reads: "I know it seems almost impossible to get back up, but through your effort and willingness you can do it. - Lindsey, spring 2024"
image reads: "1) It is okay to take less hours. 2) Use your time wisely. 3) Surround yourself with people that will lift you up and hold you accountable! - Brielle, spring 2024"

"What was the most important factor in your bounce back journey?"

image reads: "Going to my classes and paying more attention in class. - Natalie, spring 2024"
image reads: "Actually finding out what career I wanted to purse in college was a big factor in helping me motivate myself to achieve good grades. - Lindsey, spring 2024"
image reads: "Motivation and support from friends. - Dyana, spring 2024"
image reads: "The most important factor in my success this semester was evaluating my priorities and realizing the amount of resources I had. I was fortunate enough to develop skills with the help of professors to set me up for success. - Anthony, spring 2024"
image reads: "I spoke with every professor 1 on 1 to make sure I was understanding the information and would do well on the tests. I didn’t give up at one bad quiz grade or a hard assignment. - Kaitlynn, spring 2024"
image reads: "The most important factor would be the counselors at Texas State were always helpful and understanding of my situation. I always got the help I needed from them, and I never felt judged for being on academic probation. My first year in college I struggled because everything was incredibly new and I didn't have as much support from my family as I would have liked, it meant a lot that the advisors, counselors, and professors were always helpful and supportive. - Rosa, spring 2024"
image reads: "Support from loved ones. - Emma, spring 2024"