Advice from B3 Champions
What is a Bobcats Bounce Back (B3) Champion?
At Texas State University, we believe that every Bobcat has the potential to bounce back from academic adversity, and that's what makes a B3 Champion. A B3 Champion isn’t defined by perfection or a flawless academic record but by their commitment to growth, their dedication to their goals, and their thoughtful approach to challenges.
Here, you’ll find insights and inspiration from fellow Bobcats who’ve walked this path—students who’ve faced setbacks and emerged stronger. They’ll share their personal tips for success and the resources they found most helpful along the way.
But remember, bouncing back isn’t just about individual determination; it’s also about the power of community. B3 Champions understand that seeking help, leaning on others, and connecting with resources are essential parts of the journey. We hope their stories inspire you to keep going and remind you that you’re never alone on this path.
Explore the stories, soak in the advice, and see yourself as the next B3 Champion—because if you’re doing the work, you already are one!
Spotlight on Samuel Oatis: A Spring 2024 B3 Champion

Which of your accomplishments as a TXST student are you most proud of?
As a TXST student the accomplishment that I'm most proud of is making the decision to change my major to Applied Arts & Science. Making this decision allowed me to have a better collegiate/life balance. Which gave me the opportunity to focus more on my academic success and to get off academic probation.
How has your experience bouncing back academically shaped you as a student and person?
Bouncing back academically boosted my confidence tremendously. Outside of my collegiate career I was able to see how my hard work can turn into success. Yet academically I wasn't as successful. Being put onto academic probation and making the decision to focus on my academics was the boost that I needed.
What resource(s) at TXST have been most useful for you during your bounce back?
Success coaching had to have been the most useful resource that TXST offered to help me bounce back. Success coaching gave me the opportunity to meet with a success coach who gave me a sense of community while also keeping me encouraged and helped me to stay focused.
How do you plan to maintain your academic success moving forward?
To maintain my academic success moving forward my plan is to stay organized, stay on top of my time management to get work turned in on time, and to set aside time to study and focus.
What are your future aspirations now that you've achieved an academic bounce back?
My future aspirations are to continue my academic success and graduate in May 2025.
What message would you like to share with other students who are working to bounce back?
My message is to stay focused and to not get discouraged. During this time don't just prove others wrong, but prove to yourself that you are more than capable of bouncing back and finishing your degree. Lastly reflect on yourself and your current situation. See if there are any things that you can eliminate to better your academic success.
What advice do you have for students work on an academic bounce back?
You can do anything that you put your mind to. The feeling of bouncing back is the most rewarding feeling because you know that you've put the work in to make it happen.
Spotlight on Ryan Finke: A Fall 2023 B3 Champion
Which of your accomplishments as a TXST student are you most proud of?
The accomplishment that I am most proud of was getting straight A's my first semester back from probation. It was such a proud moment for me because of how hard I worked to obtain it even while I was under a lot of pressure with school and my job at the time and plagued with uncertainty if I could do it. I am grateful that I was able to pull it off and there is no greater feeling than seeing my name on the Dean's List board.
How has your experience bouncing back academically shaped you as a student and person?
Bouncing back has made me more appreciative and stronger as a person. Because of my experiences bouncing back, it made me realize the value that Texas State has to offer me and how important it is for me to get my degree. It also made me stronger because it taught me that I can do and accomplish anything if I am willing to put the time and effort into it.
What resource(s) at TXST have been most useful for you during your bounce back?
My success coach along with my professors and the tutoring centers have been integral to my success. All of my coaches/instructors/tutors have been extremely encouraging and supportive of my academic success and always make me feel like I am part of team and not doing everything alone.
How do you plan to maintain your academic success moving forward?
By staying focus on my goals and continuing to stick with my study habits and environment. I know if I ever need assistance or feel overwhelmed, I can always talk to my instructor or advisors to create a game plan to get back on track.
What are your future aspirations now that you've achieved an academic bounce back?
My plan is graduate strong in December 2024, and plan to get my MBA.
What message would you like to share with other students who are working to bounce back?
My message for students who are working on bouncing back is to stay focus on your goals and aspirations. Knowing why I was trying to bounce back always grounded me and kept me on my success plan. Also, creating good study habits will be huge for bouncing back.
What advice do you have for students work on an academic bounce back?
My advice to students trying to bounce back is to not be afraid to lean on your professors or advisors for help or advice. They want you to succeed just as much as you do. Know that you are not alone on your journey bouncing back. Also, know that academic success is achievable if you are willing to set your mind to it.

Read some tips and recommendations from other B3 Champions below!
"What tip(s) would you give to a student working to bounce back from academic adversity this semester?"

"What was the most important factor in your bounce back journey?"