Bobcats Bounce Back Program

Academic Requirements for Students Not in Good Academic Standing

Texas State University believes all Bobcats can succeed personally, academically, and professionally. If your TXST GPA falls to 1.99 or lower, your academic standing will be updated to indicate that you are off course for meeting your graduation goal. Your new academic standing elevates your priority and makes utilization of certain academic support services mandatory. 

Students not in good academic standing must:

  • Meet with your college Academic Advisor before registering for the next semester.
  • Participate in the Bobcats Bounce Back (B3) Program.

The Bobcats Bounce Back (B3) Program

The B3 Program is straightforward: use at least one approved academic resource at least once every four weeks during the semester.

These resources include nearly all academic support services on campus and are based on what successful students have done to bounce back to good standing, make the Dean’s List, or maintain Honors GPAs. Chances are, you’re already planning to use some of these as part of your success strategy.

Check below for the Spring 2025 B3 Periods and a list of approved resources to get started!

Spring 25 B3 Periods & Approved Engagements

January 13 - February 7

B3 Academic Standing Review in Canvas, B3 Webinar, Success Coaching, Success Cats, Tutoring, B3 Field Note

February 10 - March 7

Academic Advising, Success Coaching, Success Cats, Tutoring, Meeting with B3, B3 Webinar, B3 Field Note

March 10 - April 11

Academic Advising, Success Coaching, Success Cats, Tutoring, Meeting with B3, B3 Webinar, B3 Field Note

April 14 - May 7

Academic Advising, Success Coaching, Success Cats, Tutoring, Meeting with B3, B3 Webinar, B3 Field Note

EngagementHow it WorksLearn How to Connect With It
B3 Academic Standing Policy Review
How it Works
For Period 1, successfully completeling all module quizes satsifies your B3 Engagement
Learn How to Connect With It
You are enrolled in this course in Canvas. If you can't locate it, email
B3 Webinars or Workshops
How it Works
B3 hosts at least 1 webinar or workshop every 4 weeks. Attending any of our events counts as an engagement.
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Academic Advising
How it Works
Meeting with your academic advisor, or collaborating with them in other ways, satisfies B3 engagement requirements in Periods 2-4.
Learn How to Connect With It
Success Coaching
How it Works
Working with a Success Coach via scheduled meeting satisfies B3 engagement requirements.
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Success Cats
How it Works
Participating in Success Cats Accountability Groups are a great way to meet B3 Engagement Requirements!
Learn How to Connect With It
Meet with B3
How it Works
Meeting with a B3 team member is a relaxed way to meet B3 Program requirements.
Learn How to Connect With It
How it Works
Attending tutoring at SLAC, CLC, MathCats and the University Writing Center are all great ways to meet B3 Program Requirements while ensuring success in your classes.
Learn How to Connect With It
B3 Field Note
How it Works
The B3 Field Note is a guided reflection that lets you meet B3 Program Requirements by reflecting on your progress and setting goals for the next four weeks.
Learn How to Connect With It
Invitations are sent via email on the fourth week of every period.

B3 Program FAQ

  • While rare, it can happen that during a period you can't access a service or simply don't need to engage with one. We've got you covered. In any period where you can't or don't need to use an approved B3 program resource, you can complete a B3 Field Note. 

    B3 Field Notes allow you to reflect on your semester, the resources you've been using, and your goals for the next four weeks. They take less than 15 minutes to complete and fulfill the B3 Program engagement requirement. 

    All students in the B3 program are invited to complete a B3 Field Note during the fourth week of each period.

  • If you are unable or choose not to complete at least one approved engagement during a period, a Bounce Back (BB) hold will be placed on your account.

  • A BB hold does not mean that you've done anything wrong. It signals to Bobcats Bounce Back, along with partners in Academic Advising, Success Coaching, Housing, and others that you may need additional support to stay on track with your academic goals this semester. You’ll start to have various people reach out to check in to ensure everything is okay and see if we can provide any support to help you achieve your goals.

  • For most students, BB Holds are lifted the same way they're prevented: complete one of the approved activities for the current period. 

    If your BB hold is active for more than 2-4 weeks, you will receive phone calls from a B3 team member or one of our partners. You can also get the BB hold lifted by having a brief chat with them. 

    The most important thing to remember is that the BB hold is not punitive and does not restrict you from doing anything - it's just a signal that we want to check in with you to make sure you have everything you need to accomplish your goals.